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You need words, don't you?

You're here for one reason: you need words to fill a blank screen, page, or other media, and you don't have the time to do it. Or, let's be honest...not everyone likes to write. I get that. I do. When working on my thesis, I had moments where stringing together words was not my favorite thing either. Other than that, I love writing and just about every other form of communication.

As a writer, I can offer you freedom from the chore of having to write for your site. There is nothing more intimidating than looking at the blank Word doc and falling short of even a title. I have experience in advertising & marketing, so I have a good grasp of how to write compelling content, and can help you identify your target audience as well. You want -- and need -- to just focus on your business. Not worry about the wordsmithing.

Does your website have a blog? If not, I would be happy to provide content for that as well. A blog can position you as a leader in your industry, can drive sales to your business, and provides material you can share on your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. (You are active on social media, aren't you? If not, I can help with that as well!)

Who do I write for? Well, I do offer Words for Hire, so I am more than happy to work with any practice or industry. I hold myself to high ethical standards, and if I feel like I am not familiar enough with your area of practice or industry, I will politely decline. My niche focus, however, is on psychologists, counselors, and coaches. I am uniquely geared to work with these clients because I hold a Master's Degree in General Pscyhology and I am a certified life coach.

Outside of writing, people also worry paying for content can be too costly. Depending on your specific needs, I can customize a package just for you. The frequency of your blog will completely depend on what you are wanting to accomplish and your specific practice. I typically don't publish rates, as they do vary depending on frequency and the amount of research required to produce the content. But rest assured, if you have a budget and have a need, we can probably come up with a package for you.

If your website doesn't have a blog, don't wait any longer. Contact me at, to discuss your specific needs today.

Kiwi popsicle

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