Can sales coaching help your team?

Please excuse me while I vent for a moment.
I have noticed how customer service and sales have just been lacking as of late.
The other day, after a long day on the road, we passed by a pizza joint offering pizza by the slice. My son, who is 11 and eats 24/7, squealed for us to stop so he could get a few slices. I was going to get him and his dad a few slices (probably end up with a whole pie) and maybe a salad for me to go.
We were greeted with a yell from the open kitchen when we walked in and then....nothing.
We stood there for 10 minutes, expecting someone to come up front to take our order or at least ask if it was dine in or to go.
When one guy finished what he was doing, he walked out the back. Another guy checked the computer and didn't even acknowledge us.
We left.
When I got in the van, I wondered if the owner of that business was aware of how their employees were interacting with customers? No, this is not a "let's call and complain" bandwagon. There's enough complaining in the world.
This is "Here's what's happening, let's look for solutions."
My husband said it was probably because it was Sunday and the people working didn't want to be there. Granted, that is one possible reason. But that doesn't sit well with me. I have worked in retail enough to pull my fair share of Sundays and weekend nights where i would have rather been somewhere else (hey, we have ALL been there, haven't we?) but, my philosophy was it was not the customers fault and I was there to serve them. It also greatly impacted my commission -- or in the case of food service, their tips.
I've witnessed this problem happen in other industries as well. Food service is just the most visible and easier to target because people seem to expect so much from servers and wait staff. Ironically, when I was a sales manager a few years ago, we wanted people with food service experience -- if you can handle someone who is cranky and hungry, that says a lot about your temperament and disposition!
Less than strong customer service (which is your first line of sales, by the way) can greatly impact your business. You may have some of the most qualified people to do their jobs but if they are not able to effectively engage with your customers, it can hurt you.
Think about it: have you ever gone in a business and not been acknowledged or treated rudely? How did you feel? More than likely, you may have got what you went in there for but I bet you aren't going back.
So, what can you do as a business owner?
Some people may say, "Fire them," but that's not always the answer. And personally, I don't like the energy that brings. It takes a lot of time to find the right person for a job, and then in training them. Plus, when you undergo a lot of turnover, it sends a negative message to your customers/clients. Why are you replacing so many employees? Is your business unsteady? Are you hard to work for? Unless they are doing something illegal, unethical, or are just downright horrible to a customer, try to redirect them and help them learn better skills. Plus, you may end up with no help at all...and you can't afford to try to do it all.
A better option is to coach them to success. But, how can you do that when you barely have time to do the things you need to for your business? That's where I can help.
With sales coaching, I can work with your team starting with customer service up to those closing the sale. Instead of focusing on the problems, I will also be focusing on the things your employees are doing right.
* Ghosting: anonymously 'shopping' your business to see some of the situations your employees encounter on a random basis. Sometimes it may be something as simple as greeting your customers when they come in that can help increase your sales!
* Phone skills coaching: the phone is usually your first line of contact. People call your business for various reasons -- do you have a product, how much do you charge, where are you located, etc. Even though people do a lot of research on the Internet, odds are, they have gone to your website, found your number and are now calling to get more info. Depending on how that call is handled can make the difference between them going on to the next site for info or making the decision to come to you.
* Time management for outbound sales people: If you have a sales team that primarily works out of the office, it may be hard for them to know the best way to structure their time. My first time in outbound sales was hard for that very reason. Once I learned how to structure my time, it became a lot easier!
* How to follow up with your leads/clients: Some sales people actually hate the 'selling' part of their job but love the interactions with their clients/customers. If those clients/customers don't sign, buy, or otherwise make a buying decision at the end of the exchange, it can be hard for some sales people to follow up. I can help your team learn good tactics to follow up, along with the questions they can ask to help uncover when someone is ready to be sold.
If you would love to have a sales manager on your team but right now, aren't in the position for that kind of growth, we can discuss options to have me be a remote sales manager for your business.
If you have any questions about how sales coaching can help your business, please feel free to reach out to me ask.